So we had a trio of interesting prep races this weekend. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good way to post videos of all the races (some Google/YouTube conspiracy I'm sure) so you'll have to click on the links to see yourself.
Withers Stakes-Alpha was much the best at Aqueduct. Generally in these prep races I'm looking for how the winner finished and if the horses behind were fading or coming on strong. Didn't see much coming on strong in this race, but a lot of fading. We'll see if Alpha stays in New York for the Gotham Stakes or heads to warmer climates.
Robert B Lewis Stakes-Really not sure what to make of this one. An outlier for Liaison or has he now been exposed? Not sure. Race was way too crazy to tell anything. With all the trouble in the stretch it's hard to tell if any following the winner I'll Have Another would have shown more finish under more ideal conditions.
Sam F. Davis Stakes-The most intriguing of all the weekend prep races in terms of watching the horses behind the winner. Battle Hardened came from well off the pace and looked regal and confident in the win. Reveron looked green in the stretch, but could still have big things to come with some quick maturity. A few of colts were flying late including Ravelo's Boy and Neck 'n Neck. Will be interesting to see the top five next time out.
Did you see that yesterday? Of course you did. We all watched. It's our duty as Americans.
Aberdeen should have won MVP of Puppy Bowl VIII. Fumble was MVP? I mean he played hard and had a lot of intangibles, but the stats just aren't there. Really a travesty Aberdeen didn't win having 4 TDs in the game. Shameful.
How 'bout Madonna with Nicki Minaj AND MIA? Really made my day with those guest appearances. Love those girls.
And how many more twists and turns can we take at Downton Abbey? Currently a big fan of Kitchen Maid Daisy. She's noble and deceivingly quite fetching.
Oh yeah, the New York Giants won the Super Bowl.
We've had sunshine the last few days here in the City of Roses (I took that shot to the right just yesterday). You have not idea how awesome that is. We have to deal with days/weeks/months of grey overcast skies and rain is possible at any second. Then that giant yellow ball shows itself in the sky for a brief period of time and suddenly anything is possible. And it's supposed to be sunny for a couple more days. Like Teddy Duchamp said, "I cherish these moments".
So I'll leave you with a song to celebrate lovely days on this start of the work week. My goal is to at least have these songs somewhat relevant to topics discussed, but there are no gaurantees (bonus relevancy-Bill Withers-Withers Stakes. Nice, eh?)
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