Kentucky Derby Road to the Roses Fantasy Horse Racing Blog

A Google search confirms this is the only blog in the world dedicated to the Kentucky Derby Road to the Roses fantasy horse racing game.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Welcome to Kentucky Bred

Welcome to Kentucky Bred, your new home for Road to the Roses fantasy league, Derby preps, THE Derby, and much more. 

OK, last year was a bit of a let down in terms of keeping our Road the the Roses fantasy league interesting (I think we are in our 8th year or something like that?).  I know others look to me as commissioner to keeps things going and I had an epic fail last year.  Had a lot going on and just wasn't feeling it.  I found out that many (does three count as many?) were disappointed.  My initial thought was that you missed my witty takes.  But ultimately I realized most of y'all just don't want to spend the time to type 'Arkansas Derby 2012 entries' into the google search bar and want me to provide all that for you (waddup up Iowa City?).  I get it.

So your next question might be about this new format.  Historically, we'd get a big group e-mail going and I'd send out my witty takes the wanted race entries and we'd have a bit o' banter (well, four of us did anyway).  Then I got to thinking after the let down of last year that we need to step things up a bit.  Don't get me wrong, e-mail and other nostalgic technology is cool in a retro way, but sometimes ya gotta keep up with the times.  

You can sign up for e-mail alerts (see above to the left) when I update the blog.  Also you can comment on any of the blog posts (and comment on comments-woo hoo!) and if you are super interested you can write posts too.  A chance to be professional writer like me has gotta be enticing.  We can work out all those things as we go.  

And what's the extra special bonus to this format?  We don't have to read (and decipher) the e-mails written in 24 pt. in some strange glowing blue color.  You know what I'm talking about.   

You may be asking how I was able to get all this together.  I know this rivals some of the best designs out there, but I got Nick Burns to help me out.  

And Nick knows his stuff.  

Expect some polls on a regular basis (see first one on the left).  Also.......
TWITTER!!!  True story:  I only joined Twitter because a guy I know was going to the Ukraine to find a bride and said he'd 'tweet' about his journey.  I was fascinated and horrified at the same time and couldn't resist.  He never did tweet, but instead sent long rambling e-mails about architecture, creepy ex-pats, and those damned ol' steps in Odessa.  Oh, no Eastern Bloc bride came back with him either.  He's a Louisville Brown alum if that means anything to you.    

However, I still found Twitter to be a great resource to expand my mind and gain a greater understanding of the vast and rich world we live in so I can indeed be a better person and contribute positively to society.
Actually I just follow sports stuff.  I have a four-year-old daughter at home and my job is pretty demanding.  Don't judge me.

I'm not sure how much I'll tweet.  We'll see.  At least expect some 'retweets' and alerts of blog updates.  You can follow me on Twitter and I can follow you.  And I know you all are out there.  I've been doing some investigating.

This is about fantasy Derby, but it's also about Derby preps, the Kentucky Derby, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  I'll share more as we proceed.  It'll  be cool.  Maybe.  We can share important ideas about the world too.  There's an outside chance I'll post a long critical analysis of a Wham! video (no, not that one) that's been running through my head for a few months now.  

Let's do this.

1 comment:

  1. Broke out the gate nicely with this one!!!! We need more cowbell!!!
